

来源:粮油食品学院 2018-07-13 11:30 浏览:


New-to-Nature Chemistry: When Chemistry marries Metalloenzyme




介:郭诤博士,曾任丹麦工业大学助理教授,现任丹麦奥胡斯大学副教授(终身职位),美国加州理工大学访问教授,脂质材料与生物催化领域专家,他领导的农业生物技术科学团队(Agro-Biotechnology ScienceGroup)参与和领导丹麦独立研究基金,高科技基金多项(过去5年项目共享总额达一千一百万欧元),并与诺維信,葛兰素史克,杜邦等国际大公司合作承担多个大型研究项目,在国际化工和生物催化领域权威期刊上发表研究论文逾100篇,现为2个国际期刊编委,Elsevier出版专著一部,获美国和世界专利授权4项。

Professor of Agro-Biotechnology Science, Aarhus University, Denmark

Visiting Professor at California Institute Of Technology, California the USA

要:以铁基催化剂为基础的哈伯-博世工艺(Haber-Bosch process)固定无机氮成氨,进而转化成化学肥料。这项技术已经毫无争议地改变了世界,它实际支撑了人类人口的持续增长。再一次,铁(与铷,铑等),与蛋白框架结合,震惊了化学界,令人吃惊地促成了“新自然”化学的诞生。在这当中,由金属酶碳烯为主要推动力的插入反应向人们展示了酶作为一种生物催化剂如何驱动令人痴迷的有机合成化学(催化形成C-C, C-S, C-Si, C-N和C-B键)。

Iron-catalyst based Haber−Bosch process to convert molecular nitrogen into ammonia for fertilizer, has arguably changed the world, which actually supports the Earth´s ever-growing population (least extra 3 billion people benefit for survival from this N-fixing technique). Once again Fe (Ru, Rh etc), by teaming up with protein scaffold, is shaking chemistry community, surprisingly bringing new-to-nature chemistry to life; where metalloenzyme carbenoids driven insertion reactions demonstrated how can enzymes do an amazing chemistry (forge C-C, C-S, C-Si, C-N and C-B etc bonds).

在过去的几十年,应用于合成转化的酶技术进展相对缓慢(主要集中在水解酶系列),特别在有机合成领域酶技术的应用十分有限。直到2013年弗朗西斯.阿诺德(“定向进化”之母)的实验室,首次证明通过工程进化的P450细胞色素氧化酶能够催化完成全新的非自然化学反应(New-to-Nature chemistry),即双键的还烷基化。正是由于阿诺德的实验室的划时代贡献,引起了学术界广泛关注。

For decades the enzyme technology for synthetic biotransformation does not really progress (swimming around hydrolases), particularly in underpinning organic synthesis that chemical catalysts created, until recently FH Arnold´s lab demonstrated engineered P450 is able to perform New-to-Nature chemistry; which initiate a flourishing interest after their seminal contribution.


In this talk,Dr. Guowill introduce latest and most exciting progress in enzyme technology area in the world leading lab in Caltech, Prof. Frances H Arnold’s research philosophy and ideas, Particularly in ”Learning from Nature” to “Teaching nature unnatural”;and how New-to-Nature Chemistry is created at the interface of enzyme technology andand organic chemistry.


