
机电工程学院学术报告预告:Fracture statistics of brittle materials: Weibull distribution and beyond

来源:机电工程学院 2023-05-26 21:27 浏览:

报告题目:Fracture statistics of brittle materials: Weibull distribution and beyond

报告人:Chunsheng Lu 教授




卢春生,男,工学博士,教授,博士生导师,1993年获中国科学院力学研究所固体力学专业博士学位,现为澳大利亚科廷大学土木与机械工程学院教授。先后于中国科学院力学研究所,日本东北大学,新西兰维多利亚大学,澳大利亚悉尼大学等国内外研究机构和高校开展研究工作。主要从事损伤断裂力学及其相关领域的研究工作,在分形断裂、微细观统计损伤力学、超硬纳米涂层和热障涂层破坏力学、纳米复合材料及智能和能源材料力学等领域做出了一系列创新性的成果,得到了国际学术界的高度评价。已在Physical Review Letters, Nano Letters, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Journal of Geophysical Research, Nano Energy, Acta Materialia等刊物发表论文200余篇,论文被引用5800余次。


The Weibull distribution based on the weakest link principle is most often assumed to describe the strength variation that occurs in fracture of brittle materials. However, taking advantage of the high-quality strength data available, there are more increasing evidences showing that the uncritical use of the Weibull distribution is questioned, especially when it is applied for the extrapolation of experimental results. In this presentation, how to correctly select an optimal distribution will be discussed, with its implications for deeper insight into the intrinsic size effect, role of disorder and fracture mechanism. It will be highlighted that, in more serious applications, the Weibull distribution should be considered as an empirical one on an equal footing with other distribution functions.


