Current position: HAUT Index >> International >> Schools and Depatments

学院  Schools:

粮油食品学院 College of Food Science and Engineering

粮食和物资储备学院 School of Food and Strategic Reserves

机电工程学院 School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

土木工程学院(建筑学院) School of Civil Engineering (School of Architecture)

信息科学与工程学院 School of Information Science and Engineering

人工智能与大数据学院 School of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

化学化工学院 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

生物工程学院 School of Biological Engineering

材料科学与工程学院 School of Material Science and Engineering

电气工程学院 School of Electrical Engineering

管理学院(MBA教育中心) School of Management(MBA Centre)

经济贸易学院 School of Economics and Trade

外语学院 School of Foreign Languages

数学与统计学院 School of Mathematics and Statistics

物理学院 School of Physics

设计艺术学院(公共艺术教育中心) School of Design and Art(Public Arts Education Centre)

新闻与传播学院 (人文教育中心)School of Journalism and Communications

法学院 School of Law

马克思主义学院 School of Marxism

体育学院 School of Sports

国际教育学院 School of International Education

明德书院 Mingde College

教育培训学院 School of China-aid Training and Further Education

行政部门 Administration Offices:

校长办公室Principal's Office

人事处Personnel Office

教务处Academic Affairs Office

科技处Technology Department

研究生处Graduate Office

发展规划处 Development Planning Department

国际交流与合作处 International Exchange and Cooperation Office

实验室管理处 Laboratory Management

财务处Finance Department

审计处Audit Office

保卫处Security Office

社会科学处Social Science Division

后勤管理处Logistics Management Office

校友工作办公室Alumni Work Office

招生办公室Admissions Office

教辅科研 Supporting Institutions for Teaching and Research:

图书馆 Library

学报编辑部 Journal Editorial Department

档案馆 Archives

网络教育管理中心 Network Education Management Center

后勤集团公司 Logistics Group Company

校医院 University Hospital

中国粮食博物馆 China Grain Museum

小麦和玉米深加工国家工程实验室 National Engineering Laboratory for Wheat&Corn Further Processing

粮食信息处理与控制教育部重点实验室 Key Laboratory of Food Information Processing and Control, Ministry of Education

粮食储藏安全河南省协同创新中心 Food Storage Security Henan Collaborative Innovation Center

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